Founder’s Blog
The purpose of my blog is to inspire each reader to wonder, find a spark within, and consider the impact of words shared by others and myself. The subjects are a smorgasbord of ideas, opinions, and random thoughts from the past, present, and future. Many are quotations from personal readings and my writing which is an (op. ed.) Now I am confused. At a minimum, the blog is eclectic and most of all, I seek a more literate society.

B the U u R
"At the end of the conversation, students came away with the understanding that: while you might be a part of a group, you are allowed to bean individual and be the way you want to be. Marlow Williams Clark -- teacher FSU.
Teachers Can
“A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart.” Unknown
Male Violence
"Instead of saying, “We need help,” boys tend to react to the traumas inflicted on them by setting the world on fire, while girls tend to turn inward and hurt themselves.
Much of the violence by men has its roots in the family, said Katz.…
STRESS —– shorter Life
Why? Inflation, violence, politics, race relations and an unequal society cause people in the U.S. to age quicker, become sicker and die youngerthan peers in similar nations. ( Wash Post 10/17/23 )
"A great CAPTION can take a photograph to the next level and make it even more memorable."
Monica Corcoran quote
Eleanor Roosevelt
"There is a widespread understanding among the people of this nation, and probably among the people of the world, that there is no safety except through the prevention of war."
Kibbutz Life
"The kibbutzim go back to the time of the founding of Israel, when small groups of people set up communities based on the idea of communal living. About 125,000 people live across approximately 250 kibbutzim in Israel, according to the Jewish…
"Gaza, an isolated coastal enclave of almost 2 million people crammed into 140 square miles, one of the most densely populated places in the world. " ( Reuters )
History Lessons
History teaches us that civilization is not a straight line. Things often go backwards and the primitive nature of mankind rises light a flame. It is impractical and violent. Out of the ashes and smoke, humans continue to disrespect the…