Founder’s Blog
The purpose of my blog is to inspire each reader to wonder, find a spark within, and consider the impact of words shared by others and myself. The subjects are a smorgasbord of ideas, opinions, and random thoughts from the past, present, and future. Many are quotations from personal readings and my writing which is an (op. ed.) Now I am confused. At a minimum, the blog is eclectic and most of all, I seek a more literate society.

John Wooden
"Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."
What’s Going On – Marvin Gaye
In 2023, there are an estimated 75,500 people experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles County, according to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority. In the city of Los Angeles, there are an estimated 46,000 unhoused residents, LAHSA says.…
Bottom Line Education:
"Literacy is a fundamental human right and the foundation for life long learning." ( UNESCO )
Write and Read more often.
Keep your students asking questions
Keep your students asking questions even if there are no answers, suggest they try walking the talk, and have a purpose greater than themselves.
Homelessness is an expanding crisis
Homelessness is an expanding crisis that comes amid skyrocketing housing prices, a widening gap between the rich and poor and the persistent presence on city streets of the mentally ill and drug-dependent despite billions of dollars spent to…
Nothing good comes from spanking
“There are much, much better ways to teach your children, and losing control and putting your hands on a child, there’s nothing good that comes from it,” she says. “You don’t create kids with self-esteem and with the ability to handle…
Because the end of one journey sees the beginning of another
"Because the end of one journey sees the beginning of another. And guess what... it will be one hell of a journey. You will feel emotional and physical pain you never knew existed. You will fail over and over again. But don’t worry, all of…
Low Literacy Levels Among U.S. Adults
“Low Literacy Levels Among U.S. Adults Could Be Costing The Economy 2.2 Trillion A Year.” — Gallup Study / Barbara Bush Foundation summary ( Michael Nietzel ) Forbes Magazine
For every problem
“For every problem there is an opportunity.” — Anonymous