Lesson Plan For Parts Of Speech: Conjunctions Level 1
Conjunctions allow writers to add more detail to their sentences and connect similar nouns, adjective, and sentences.
Coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, yet, so (F.A.N.B.O.Y.S.) are the most common conjunctions.
Love and laughter are all we need. (“and” joins two nouns).
We live in the present but we dream for the future. (“but” links two independent clauses). (See the compound sentence lesson plan for a review, if needed).
Writing descriptive sentences in DRAG-N-DROP mode on piclits.com can allow users to focus selecting the right conjunctions in one or two sentences. This could entail creating a compound sentence- two independent clauses joined by a conjunction: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. IT could also entail creating a compound subject in one sentence.
So, we will generate two sentences in the DRAG-N-DROP mode on piclits.com with coordinating conjunctions that either link two nouns or two sentences.
Sentences with coordinating and correlative conjunctions.
- Go to piclits.com
- Sign in with your e-mail and password
- Select a picture from the gallery of pictures
- In DRAG-N-DROP mode, write a sentence with coordinating conjunctions that either link two nouns or two sentences.