Founder’s Blog
The purpose of my blog is to inspire each reader to wonder, find a spark within, and consider the impact of words shared by others and myself. The subjects are a smorgasbord of ideas, opinions, and random thoughts from the past, present, and future. Many are quotations from personal readings and my writing which is an (op. ed.) Now I am confused. At a minimum, the blog is eclectic and most of all, I seek a more literate society.

War & Death
The shadowy leader of Hamas’ military wing, Mohammed Deif, said the assault was in response to the 16-year blockade of Gaza, Israeli raids inside West Bank cities over the past year, violence at Al Aqsa — the disputed Jerusalem holy site…
Technology Support
"69% of teachers surveyed said they think technology can be used to support any subject." (NCES) 2019
Ask Questions
"Keep those students asking questions even if there are no answers, make them walk the talk, and have a purpose greater than themselves?" (Anonymous )
Hydropower or ?
"That power is a lot better than coal and oil and gas. But is it worth sacrificing a healthy river to help preserve a safe planet?"
L.A. Times by Sammy Roth (9/26/23
Writing to Read
"Writing is intrinsically important for all students to learn—after all, it is the primary way beyond speech that humans communicate. But more than that, research suggests that teaching students to write in an integrated fashion with reading…
41 Million
"About 12.4%, some 41 million, of the U.S.'s 333 million people live at or below the poverty line, the Census Bureau calculates, which is set at about $29,678 for a household of two adults and two children."
"Dianne Feinstein will be rightly remembered as a trailblazer – the first woman to serve as mayor of San Francisco and the first woman elected to the Senate from California. But once she broke those barriers and walked through those doors,…
"41% of teachers note that students learn faster when using technology. " NCES data 2020
Negotiations work
"Even President Biden, who loves a good Netflix-and-chill night, applauded the decision: "There simply is no substitute for employers and employees coming together to negotiate in good faith toward an agreement that makes a business stronger…